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The most common form of sleep breathing disorders is called sleep apnea. Sleep apnea’s symptoms include snoring, halting breathing, and tiredness, among others. It can also lead to much more serious issues such as cardiovascular diseases and chronic sleep deprivation. Fortunately, there are several highly effective treatment options that can help you sleep better and reduce the risk of complications.

Even though it is a sleeping condition, sleep apnea has an effect on many areas of your life. Since your body uses sleep to restore itself after the previous day’s efforts. Your brain uses this time to clean out the waste materials it produced through the work of the previous day. A sleep disorder such as sleep apnea disrupts that cleaning by disrupting your sleep.

Another effect of interrupted sleep is sleep deprivation. Sleep deprivation causes many more issues than you might imagine, amounting to over a hundred billion dollars in losses from production, vehicles crashes, workplace accidents, and increased healthcare costs. In addition, social and family life is negatively affected, and sleep deprivation increases the likelihood of divorce and other familial issues.

With all of these problems caused by sleep apnea and other sleep-related issues, it’s imperative to get appropriate treatment. CPAP, or continuous positive airway pressure machines, are the most common and effective sleep apnea treatments. A mandibular advancement appliance can also be used to open the airway. In addition, surgical options are available for more serious cases.

To learn more about sleep apnea and what we can do to treat it, please contact Craniofacial Pain Center Of Colorado in Arvada, Colorado, for a consultation with Dr. James Bieneman.