Headache & Migraine Treatment

Craniofacial pain is a term our doctor uses to describe pain disorders of the head, face, and temporomandibular joint. For many of the patients who visit us for headache and migraine treatment in Arvada, Colorado, we often discover that their problems are related to craniofacial pain. Dr. Bieneman has treated several patients at Craniofacial Pain Center Of Colorado who believed they suffered from migraines, when in reality, they had muscular headaches that often resulted from clenching and grinding their teeth (a condition called bruxism).

You may have a muscular headache, rather than a migraine, if you experience some of the following symptoms:

  • You wake up in the mornings with a headache
  • Migraine medications (Zomig, Imitrex, etc.) don’t provide relief
  • Pain medications (Advil, Excedrin, etc.) help relieve your headaches
  • You clench and grind your teeth or have been told that you do so while sleeping
  • Your headaches are usually in the back of your head, behind your eyes, or in your temple

Depression & Headaches

Recent studies show that Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor (SSRI) medications (Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft, Celexa, etc.) may cause bruxism problems in patients who have never clenched or ground their teeth previously. These medications can also increase teeth clenching and grinding in those who already suffer from bruxism. Many physicians are unaware of this side effect. If you start to experience headaches a few weeks or a couple of months after you started taking SSRI medication, then the problem may be related.

Possible Treatment Solutions

There are FDA-approved oral appliances we can use to treat migraine pain and migraine-associated tension type headaches. We have been able to successfully reduce and eliminate headache pain for many of our patients when they have worn this appliance, even when other treatments failed. If you want to learn more about how we use oral appliances for migraine and headache treatment, then call our team today.